Manta Ray Night Snorkeling Adventure in Kailua-Kona
Manta Ray Night Snorkeling Adventure in Kailua-Kona
Manta Ray Night Snorkeling Adventure in Kailua-Kona
Manta Ray Night Snorkeling Adventure in Kailua-Kona
Manta Ray Night Snorkeling Adventure in Kailua-Kona

Aventure nocturne de plongée en apnée avec les raies manta à Kailua-Kona

Activité proposée par Kona Coast Boat Tours
9,8 sur 10
Annulation gratuite disponible
Le prix précédent était de 69 € et le prix actuel est de 62 € par adulte
  • Annulation gratuite disponible
  • 2 h 30 min
  • Coupon sur mobile
  • Confirmation immédiate

Expérience nocturne : Contrairement aux excursions de plongée en apnée typiques qui se déroulent pendant la journée, votre excursion offre l'opportunité extraordinaire d'observer les majestueuses raies manta la nuit. Cette expérience unique vous permet d'observer ces gracieuses créatures dans leur habitat naturel pendant leur période de nourrissage.

Emplacement de l’activité

  • Honokohau Harbor Public Restrooms (Capt Cook Cruises)
    • 96740, Kaiminani, Hawaii, United States

Point de rencontre

  • Honokohau Harbor Public Restrooms (Capt Cook Cruises)
    • 96740, Kaiminani, Hawaii, United States


Ride Along/Nuit des raies manta
  • Durée de l’activité : 2 heures et 30 minutes2 h 30 min
    2 h 30 min
  • Anglais

Option Ride Along - sans baignade : Moonlight Manta Ride Along : CECI EST UNE Option SANS NATATION C'est une option parfaite pour ceux qui veulent venir faire une promenade en bateau
Promenade Manta au clair de lune : Moonlight Manta Ride Along : CECI EST UNE Option SANS NATATION C'est une option parfaite pour ceux qui veulent venir faire une promenade en bateau

Langues disponibles : Anglais
Détails sur le prix
68,67 €
61,80 € x 1 adulte61,80 €

Le prix précédent était de 68,67 € et le prix actuel est de 61,80 €
-10 %
Aventure nocturne avec les raies manta
  • Durée de l’activité : 2 heures et 30 minutes2 h 30 min
    2 h 30 min
  • Anglais
Langues disponibles : Anglais
Détails sur le prix
100,72 €
90,65 € x 1 adulte90,65 €

Le prix précédent était de 100,72 € et le prix actuel est de 90,65 €
-10 %
Il est possible que le contenu de cette page provienne d’une traduction automatique.

Ce qui est inclus ou non

  • Ce qui est inclusCe qui est inclusCommentaires en direct à bord
  • Ce qui est inclusCe qui est inclusGuide professionnel
  • Ce qui est inclusCe qui est inclusRafraîchissements légers, notamment des collations et de l'eau en bouteille
  • Ce qui est inclusCe qui est inclusPour l'option plongée en apnée : équipement de plongée en apnée, haut de combinaison style veste, dispositif de flottaison
  • Ce qui n’est pas inclusCe qui n’est pas inclusPourboires
  • Ce qui n’est pas inclusCe qui n’est pas inclusPrise en charge et retour à l'hôtel

À savoir avant de réserver

  • Landau ou poussette possible pour les bébés et enfants en bas âge
  • Transports en commun disponibles à proximité
  • Les enfants en bas âge doivent être assis sur les genoux d'un adulte
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs avec des problèmes à la colonne vertébrale
  • Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs avec des problèmes cardiovasculaires
  • Convient à toutes les conditions physiques
  • En vertu de la réglementation européenne sur les droits des consommateurs, la prestation d’activités n’est pas soumise au droit de rétractation. La politique d’annulation du prestataire s’appliquera.

Itinéraire de l’activité

Faites de la plongée avec tuba au-dessus des raies manta lors de l'expérience guidée de plongée en apnée au large de la grande île. Faites une courte croisière jusqu'au site de plongée avec tuba alors que le soleil commence à se coucher et faites une pause pour admirer un coucher de soleil spectaculaire avant de sauter pour nager parmi les énormes raies manta dans leur cadre naturel. Retour à bord. Profitez de collations, de boissons et de l'utilisation des toilettes à bord. Le transport aller-retour et le matériel sont inclus.


Emplacement de l’activité

  • LOB_ACTIVITIESLOB_ACTIVITIESHonokohau Harbor Public Restrooms (Capt Cook Cruises)
    • 96740, Kaiminani, Hawaii, United States

Point de rencontre

  • PEOPLEPEOPLEHonokohau Harbor Public Restrooms (Capt Cook Cruises)
    • 96740, Kaiminani, Hawaii, United States

Autres activités recommandées


9,8 sur 10
10.0 sur 10


Avis laissé sur Viator
13 mars 2025
Great experience! Close encounters with several manta rays while hearing all about them. Knowledgeable crew really made the difference.

10.0 sur 10


Avis laissé sur Viator
13 mars 2025
Don’t be scared of it being in the dark. Everything is well lit and you swim about 10ft from the boat to the platform. Definitely special and very well worth it.

10.0 sur 10


Avis laissé sur Viator
11 mars 2025
Absolutely magical experience! Once in a lifetime! Great tour guides and a night none of us will ever forget.

8.0 sur 10


Avis laissé sur Viator
11 mars 2025
This was really a fantastic once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm glad I did it. It is important to know that we took a 20 minute boat ride on pretty choppy water to get to the location. There was also an expectation that you knew how to swim and snorkel. We did so that was fine but clearly if someone didn't this would be an anxiety producing first experience. The staff on the boat Cooper and Lena were very good.

2.0 sur 10


Avis laissé sur Viator
10 mars 2025
The afternoon (noonish) on the day we had our reservation for 9pm we got a text saying they moved it up to one hour before to now go at 8pm. We were in Hilo at the time of the text and rearranged the remaining part of our day to drive back in time (roughly 1.5 hours away). We went to check in and had no idea where to go. We asked multiple vendors and none of them said they had heard of Kona coast. I had to message the number that had texted me previously in the day to learn that we were also switched to “hang loose” and that two brothers did business together and had merged our booking… frustrated at the thought of having missed our boat we then find our check in person at a random truck. We walk down to the boat to find out we did not get full wet suits and only a 1/2 sleeve top unlike the listing had stated that we would have a wetsuit and snorkel gear provided. We left the dock roughly 30 minutes later than planned and we were the last boat to arrive at the destination. It took multiple attempts to attach to the boat hookup putting us over 9pm before getting into the water. When everyone was leaving we were told to we were packing up to go aswell even though we had arrived late putting us roughly in the water for only 45 minutes time when the reservation states 2.5 hours. We only saw ONE manta ray. Other boats were cheering and laughing, the vibe was way off with our tour. Everyone shocked and quiet that we were only seeing one and leaving. They could have let us stay a bit longer now that we were alone to maybe see more and have the experience everyone else rants and raves about. When my 8 year old was getting off the boat tired from the ride back he fell in the between crack from the boat and dock injuring his ribs and ankles. We came to the big island for THIS experience. We normally go annually to Maui. Huge regrets.

10.0 sur 10


Avis laissé sur Viator
9 mars 2025
trip was amazing! The guides and staff were very welcoming, and knowledgeable. We had an great time! I would recommend it to everyone everytime.

10.0 sur 10


Avis laissé sur Viator
7 mars 2025
This was a once in a lifetime experience not to be missed! You never know if the man does are going to be there and we had five show up in a playful manner. Lena and Cooper were amazing hosts. I felt very safe in the water with Cooper close by. Lena did a great job managing everything on the boat and getting us there safely and back.

10.0 sur 10


Avis laissé sur Viator
7 mars 2025
We had 5 rays show up for an awesome visit, one of the coolest wildlife experiences we’ve ever had. The crew of Capt. Lena and crewman Cooper were professional and fun.

10.0 sur 10


Avis laissé sur Viator
6 mars 2025
Saw a bunch of Manta rays. The crew was great and the boat was nice. Definitely worth while! Would highly recommend.

8.0 sur 10


Avis laissé sur Viator
6 mars 2025
I am rating this 4 stars because the two guys who were our boat crew the night I went were very kind and accommodating. I do not get sea sick easily, have been on many snorkel excursions, and was really excited to do this one. But being on the boat in choppy water in the pitch black dark was just not for me. I didn’t get sick, but I definitely felt disoriented by it. Everyone had said the manta rays night snorkel was supposed to be incredible if you get to see the manta rays. So I really wanted to do it. We booked this last minute on our last night on the big island, and the only time slot available was 8:30pm. As we drove to the meeting location, I realized how dark it really was because of it being a new moon. I was nervous but ready to go for it! They provide snorkel gear, a half wet suit, and light snacks. We boarded the boat promptly for a 10-15 minute ride. Thankfully, I had a very light dinner and none of the snacks but water because I could see how this excursion could make someone very queasy. Without the horizon to look at (except the lights on the island) it is rough at times. I didn’t not enjoy that part but made it through. We got to the spot and jumped in the water. One thing to note - maybe it isn’t always like this but for us, we didn’t get much relief from the choppy waters once we got to the location. The boat was rocking like crazy and then even in the water holding onto the float and looking down for the rays, we were swaying a ton. It was pretty cold and I was shivering, but we did see lots of fish which was cool. After a while they told us it seemed to rays were coming up, so we could rebook for the next night (not really an option since I was flying out in the morning) or try another spot. I didn’t really want to go to another spot because they said it would be another 30+ minutes out to the next spot, it was getting late, and I needed to pack and get up early to fly out. I didn’t want to be a party pooper since there were other folks who also were leaving the next morning who wanted to try another spot. They said they would “take a vote” but really it was basically one group who enthusiastically wanted to try another spot. Everyone else was kind of up in the air about rebooking or in my case calling it a night. Anyway, they started out toward the next location and the waters seemed worse that direction. We were slamming into the waves head on and it was giving me a headache and making me a little nauseous. Again, I’m not prone to seasickness but this felt worse than usual to me, probably because I’m not used to being on a boat in the dark. Plus we were now freezing because we were wet. So definitely bring your towel and a light jacket. It helped! My husband kindly asked them if they would be willing to drop us off on the way to the other location, because we would be going past the docks/harbor where we started anyway. They were very kind and let us off. I was SO grateful because I was really not feeling well and getting sick on my last night in Kona was not how I wanted to end my visit. Being out on the water until almost midnight, feeling pretty unwell, and still potentially not seeing manta rays made me decide I was ready to call it a night. I hope the folks who stayed on got to see them though! Would I try it again? Maybe, but I’d likely book the sunset hour. That way it is not pitch dark the whole time. I’d also prepare for possible seasickness more now that I know it’s a likely issue. I’ve seen a lot of people say they were sick on these excursions, so seems to be a common issue. Still totally a SUPER COOL opportunity. We just got unlucky with the first spot they took us too, so you know, sometimes you don’t get to see them. If we’d been staying longer we might have taken them up on the opportunity to try again another day. Anyway, overall not my favorite experience but that wasn’t the company’s fault and the crew was great. Very friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. P.S. this is probably best for folks who are comfortable swimmers because it’s a little disconcerting jumping into the water at night. And I’m a pretty strong swimmer!

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